Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Flowers. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Floral Abstract In Central Park

A Bouquet Of Bokeh

When engineering meets impressionism, or it's good to be shallow? ;-)

an abstract color photography of flowers in central park new york with shallow depth of field

Sony a7R IV
Lens:        Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM @ f/1.8

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright © 2020 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Friday, May 31, 2019

Two Flowers Emerging From A Dream

Focal Abstraction

a photo of Two Flowers Emerging From A Dream abstract Daniel South Photography
Two Flowers Emerging From A Dream

Camera:    Sony a7R III
Lens:        Sony FE 135mm f/1.8 GM

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2019 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Thursday, July 6, 2017

Post 100 - Happy Anniversary!

Celebrating What's Important With Photos

This is my 100th post on Earth Color Magic. I wanted it to be special. 

This is a photo of my father that I snapped in 2008. He was raking leaves one pleasant autumn morning with his dog and constant companion, Frankly, at his side. I saw them and snapped a photo. It's one of my favorite photographs, because it shows my father in his natural element, working in the yard, doing what he loves to do.

Frankly was my aunt's dog. When she passed away, Dad took him in, and they became inseparable.

a photo of my father raking leaves with his dog frankly by daniel south
My Father Raking Leaves (2008)

We all take lots of photos, but the most important images that we'll ever capture are the ones that record the milestones of our lives. Remember that. 

Life moves quickly. Children grow. Family members age. Friends and colleagues come and go.  

Take pictures of all of it. Take way too many pictures and store them obsessively. Take some video, too.

You can never go back in time. You will never, ever, ever be able to go back and photograph an important occasion once it has passed. When the moment is gone, the photos and videos that we took time to record will be critical physical reminders of important times and the people with whom we shared them.

Post 100 - Happy Anniversary! Here's to a hundred more.

Camera:    Sony A7RII

Lens:        Sony FE 85mm f/1.8

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2017 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Monday, February 20, 2017

Springtime on the California Coast

Season of Renewal

I have spent a lot of time photographing the California Coast over the years. I have countless happy memories from those adventures, everything from the sights that I have seen and the images that I captured, to the restaurants where I stopped for lunch. Every detail mattered. Every experience was meaningful. 

Each year about this time, I feel a longing to return, not just to take more pictures, but to experience the beauty of California first hand, to renew mind, body, and spirit in this magical, incomparable part of the world.

Springtime on the California Coast

The photograph above was taken at sunrise. It might appear to be a sunset, since the color in the western sky. But that's the amazing thing about the Pacific Coast. The skies are unpredictable and dynamic. The color of a sunrise or a sunset can appear in any direction. It keeps you on your toes. If you're not in tune with what's happening in the moment, you'll miss an opportunity like this one. Be in tune with the moment is critical not only to getting the shot, but to making the most of or your California adventures.

Camera:    Nikon D810

Lens:        PC-E Nikkor 24mm f/3.5 ED Tilt/Shift

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2017 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Sunday, July 31, 2016

Mason Jar With Flowers

From A Glade In The Shade

Simple and straightforward.

A jar of flowers hangs from a post in deep shade. 

I set the shutter speed fast enough to ensure sharpness while hand-holding the camera. 

a photo of a glass mason jar holding wildflowers
Mason Jar With Flowers

I tried a number of compositions, some in portrait orientation and some landscape. A few clicks later, this one popped out as my favorite. Magic!

Camera:    Nikon D810
Lens:        AF-S Nikkor 24-70mm f/2.8G ED

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2016 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Autumn Flowers

Before The Frost

We tend to think of Spring as the season for flowers, but some plants display brilliant color well into autumn.

Autumn Flowers

Focus stacking was applied to extend depth of field and show more of the flowers in focus.

Camera:    Nikon D810
Lens:        Nikon AF-S Nikkor 70-200mm f/2.8G ED VR II

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2015 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Along The Road

Unexpected Opportunities

National parks, thriving cities, architectural marvels. We love to visit these visually remarkable places. They offer extensive photographic opportunities. If we travel to Grand Canyon or Yosemite, Paris or San Francisco, Alaska or the Serengeti, we expect to come home with a gallery of amazing images.

But we live on a big, beautiful planet. Celebrated destinations don't hold a monopoly on scenic wonders. 

Breathtaking vistas are everywhere. We might notice something extraordinary when we're simply driving down the road.  

a photo of wildflowers in the sierra nevada mountains california
Along The Road - Eastern Sierra Region

When we see a beautiful view as we drive along the road, it's natural to want to pull over and take a photo. Just be careful. Safety is always the first priority. No photograph is worth risking serious injury. 

Never put yourself or your family in danger by diverting attention from your driving, or by parking in or shooting from a dangerous location.

But when it is feasible to stop your car safely, to park it in a location where other drivers aren't likely to collide with it, and to operate your camera safely away from hazards such as traffic and cliffs, you might just capture a roadside vista to remember.

Your "along the road" photos offer two distinct advantages over the oft-photographed view of big cities and national parks. 

Firstly, your photos will be more distinctive and personal. Rather than photographing the same scenes that everyone else has snapped (and published), you are creating a portfolio that reflects your own personality and tastes.

Secondly, you stand a better chance of optimizing the quality of light. Keep watching. When the light hints that it might take on a magical quality, you can shoot in that moment, in the place where you are, rather than racing to some pre-decided destination.

Will the photos work out every time? No, of course not. Some locations might be obscured by power lines or other features that you can't control. Or when the light looks interesting, you might find yourself in a place where it's too dangerous to park. 

Don't worry about missed opportunities. There are lots of frustrating days in the life of a photographer. The important thing is to keep yourself open to possibilities no matter where you are. Over time, you'll get better at recognizing those opportunities, at capturing the magic wherever you happen to be.

Camera:    Canon EOS 5D Mark II
Lens:        Canon TS-E24mm f/3.5L II 

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2015 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Color of Film

California Lupines At Sunset

The possibilities of digital photography began to catch my interest in the late 1990s.  Unfortunately, digital imaging technology was still in its infancy.  I continued to shoot film while waiting for the quality of digital cameras to improve.

There's a certain mystery to film.  Waiting days or weeks to see the results of an exposure can be frustrating.  You can't take a peek at the LCD screen and recompose or make other adjustments.  You need to evaluate each scene carefully and commit to your most skillful prediction.  No matter how much experience you have with film, there are always surprises.

The surprises may be pleasant, even exhilarating; sometimes not so much.  I've thrown entire rolls of film into the trash bin over the years.  I've also been seen jumping for joy beside a light table upon receipt of newly developed chromes.  Unpredictability is part of the adventure.

a large format photograph of california wildflowers at sunset
Lupines At Sunset, California Coast

Color reversal film, commonly known as slide film, is amazing for documenting colors.  These films are sensitive to slight color casts that our internal optical processing system filters out.

Our brain filters colors possibly in an attempt to protect us from recognizable threats.  If a berry with a certain shade of red will make us sick, we don't want that berry to look differently on a sunny day than it does on a cloudy day, or at sunset versus high noon.  Unfortunately, this built-in safety mechanism reduces our ability to see colors accurately and objectively.

Film doesn't filter colors automatically, nor does it engage the automatic white balance functionality of a digital camera.  Film records any color that was present at the time of exposure including colors that humans can't see.  But here is the interesting part - when we look at a finished slide or print of the scene, we do see those missing colors and we see them accurately.

I have yet to discover a good explanation for this paradox in color perception.  How is it that colors once invisible to use become visible once they have been recorded by photographic processes?  This is yet another reason why cameras tend to yield surprising results.

Photography helps us to see and to understand our world more clearly by showing us what we were unable to see in the moment. 

Camera: Ebony SV45TE
Lens: Schneider 110mm f/5.6 Super-Symmar XL
Film: Fujichrome Velvia 100

Wishing you great light and meaningful moments!

Copyright 2012 Daniel R. South
All Rights Reserved